Victor Rentea - Independent Trainer/Coach




Victor Rentea - Technical Trainer/Coach: Clean Code, Spring, Design Patterns & much more

Custom training in-house for companies, with lots of exercises and explanations, held by a passionate independent trainer, with 14 years of development experience, currently also Lead Architect, Team Lead and Consultant at IBM. In the curricula: Clean Code, Design Patterns and Principles, Architectures, Spring Framework, Java EE (EJB, CDI, JAX-RS), Hibernate/JPA, Scala Language, Java Performance Coding and Optimizations, Unit Testing - including Test Driven Design (TDD) and Behavior Driven Design (BDD), SOAP web services, Web Application Security, Agile and SCRUM Methodology, Integration Patterns, UM, XSD & JAXB. The courses can be held in Romanian or English, in-class on-site or remote.